Compliance at STRABAG: Focus on responsibility, integrity and ethics
Compliance is given tremendous weight at STRABAG. As a globally active company, we are aware of our special responsibility towards our business partners, customers and clients as well as towards our employees. At STRABAG, we always act responsibly, objectively and ethically.
We reject any form of corruption in the strongest possible terms and have an effective business compliance management system in place that we continuously adapt and evolve to help us meet this goal. The system is designed to avoid violations of the law and any resulting material and immaterial damage and to maintain STRABAG’s good reputation as a business partner, contractor and employer.

ISO certification for business compliance
STRABAG SE was the first Austrian and globally active group to achieve overall certification to ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Management Systems) and ISO 37301 (Compliance Management Systems). The certification is valid for all fully consolidated companies.
You can find more information about this certification in this press release.
Code of Conduct
The conduct of all STRABAG employees is fundamentally guided by our corporate values. We also have a Code of Conduct that serves as a guiding document for our corporate ethics. It summarises the most important principles for ethical behaviour in order to maintain and build the trust placed in us by our stakeholders. These principles serve as ethical guidelines and decision-making aids for all employees, and we expect our business partners to commit to these values and principles as well.
Supplier Code of Conduct
STRABAG is committed to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and we expect our suppliers and subcontractors to comply with these fundamental principles in the fields of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as well. Our business partners not only contribute to our economic success, their actions and conduct also have a significant influence on STRABAG’s reputation among its stakeholders. This basic framework of ethical conduct is summarised in our Supplier Code of Conduct
Raising employee awareness
Compliance violations by even one person can jeopardise the entire Group, destroying the successful work of 86,000 people. For this reason, STRABAG’s activities in this area go beyond the Code of Conduct to include extensive awareness-raising for all employees and management staff. This includes mandatory business compliance training courses and e-learning programmes as well as creative and stimulating awareness campaigns.
Whistleblower platform
STRABAG has an anonymous whistleblower platform in place. Reports of (suspected) compliance violations, such as collusion, bribery, fraud or corruption, by STRABAG and/or its employees can and should be reported on this platform. The whistleblower platform offers the possibility to file secure and, if desired, anonymous reports on (suspected) violations of business compliance, human rights, discrimination, working conditions, environmental and occupational safety, and data privacy. The platform even allows for a two-way exchange of information while maintaining the whistleblower’s anonymity. Protecting whistleblowers is a top priority for us. Whistleblowers do not have to fear any adverse consequences from filing an incident report.
We encourage all employees, business partners, clients and other third parties to use the platform. Through their initiative, we can follow up on grievances, initiate investigations and take appropriate action.
Further information on the Business Compliance Management System at STRABAG can be found in the current annual report from page 129.

Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

Modern Slavery Act Statement

Canadian Modern Slavery Act
Whistleblower platform
You can provide information anonymously on the STRABAG whistleblower platform.
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