Sustainability management
Sustainability Management of STRABAG SE

Customized solutions for sustainable success
Doing business sustainably is a constant challenge, one that we respond to with solutions tailored to us as a company and to our industry. Sustainability management covers a wide range of tasks, involving especially the renewal of processes. Our focus here is on the activities of our core business, where we strive for a constant and consistent integration of effective sustainability measures. The Sustainability Management team continuously monitors STRABAG’s impact on its surroundings and analyses the potential opportunities and risks arising from changes to the context we work in.
Sustainability Management at STRABAG forms part of the central division STRABAG Digitalisation & Innovation, which reports directly to the CEO. This sends an important signal to employees that sustainability is at the top of the Group’s agenda. Topics related to sustainability management are viewed over the long term, they are strategically anchored and dealt with at the top management level.
Governance structure
A key factor for successful sustainability management is anchoring sustainability in the core business. That includes providing advice and support to the operating units, the central staff divisions and the central divisions in the implementation of the sustainability strategy in practice. This knowledge transfer is crucial, especially when submitting bids, developing new technologies and testing new processes.
We have also established a good governance structure for the implementation of our sustainability strategy. This has enabled us to establish short communication and decision-making paths and to involve representatives with a wide range of expertise. Above all, the inclusion of different perspectives and core competences is crucial to achieving the strategic goals.
Our Sustainability Management team works closely together internally with both the Sustainability Network and the Sustainability Steering Committee. Close coordination and reporting to the STRABAG SE Management Board completes the governance structure.
Together with various of STRABAG’s business units, Sustainability Management coordinates the collection of all necessary sustainability data and information and prepares it for external reporting.

Management Board of STRABAG SE
The STRABAG SE Management Board sets the strategic framework – in sustainability management as elsewhere – and makes its decisions in accordance with the rules of procedure. Especially with projects involving a very large project sum, it is the Management Board that ultimately decides on implementation. To continuously advance the goals of the sustainability strategy, the agenda item of sustainability is a fixed point at every Management Board meeting. During these meetings, various topics from the areas of sustainability management are addressed and dealt with by the board.
Sustainability Steering Committee
The Sustainability Steering Committee is made up of representatives from the following areas: building materials, building operations, building construction and civil engineering, real estate, customers, machinery, design, transportation infrastructures, and sustainability management. The Sustainability Steering Committee is chaired by the CEO.
The Sustainability Steering Committee steers STRABAG’s corporate-wide sustainability management. It is actively involved in monitoring the achievement of the strategic sustainability goal and its sub-goals and helps to shape the necessary policies and frameworks. If necessary, these are submitted as recommendations to the Management Board. -
Sustainability Network
The Sustainability Network was introduced as a way to integrate our operating divisions into our sustainability management. Its aim is to coordinate relevant topics that arise in the divisions and to discuss and exchange information on key issues from the perspective of environmental and social sustainability.
Group Divisions and Central Divisions
Delivery and implementation of the sustainability strategy within our core business requires the close collaboration and commitment of our operating divisions and the corresponding central divisions. Together with experts from STRABAG’s various business units, projects are planned, refined and implemented on our construction sites. In addition, corresponding sustainability staff units are responsible for implementation in many corporate and central divisions.

Stakeholder Engagement
In addition to involving its internal stakeholders, STRABAG also promotes a dialogue with various external stakeholder groups. These primarily include our customers, investors and suppliers. We also maintain contact with universities and the media, local residents living near our projects, and political institutions. Various engagement and dialogue formats are chosen in order to encourage communication and exchange between STRABAG and its stakeholder groups.
- Investors are kept informed during the Annual General Meeting. The AGM also serves to answer open questions that investors may have. Information and questions about STRABAG’s sustainability strategy are of great relevance.
- Strategic updates are used to inform STRABAG’s investors about ongoing strategic developments.
- STRABAG’s participation in specialist conferences and trade fairs helps to promote the dialogue with peers and experts on various topics relating to sustainability agendas.
- With our support of Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft — German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy, we are working to address and prioritise urgent climate-related issues with representatives from business, politics and civil society.
- To gather and discuss different perspectives on STRABAG’s sustainability measures, we organise stakeholder dialogues with participants from suppliers, competitors, NGOs and industry associations. These dialogues are also attended by employees from various STRABAG SE divisions.