Social engagement

Focus on cultural and social projects as well as on team sports

Our business activity – the business of building – directly shapes people’s living environment. The result is an interaction between construction and society: only in a successful society can we succeed. At STRABAG, we therefore feel obliged to contribute to the healthy development of society as a whole. This means that we make contributions to maintain the social standards in Central Europe, to improve them in other countries, and that we support cultural projects as well as team sports to enhance team spirit. We support selected initiatives over the long term according to strict funding criteria in order to make a lasting and effective contribution.

Our contributions:

  • Concordia social projects
    CONCORDIA's vision: giving children wings © Benjamin Kaufmann für CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte

    In the social arena, STRABAG is especially committed to helping children and young people in the countries of Eastern and South-East Europe by giving them the opportunity of an education and the chance at a better future. Together with CONCORDIA, we offer a broad range of services that includes acute emergency aid as well as education and training opportunities. From its start in 1991 as a social project for street children in Bucharest, CONCORDIA has grown into an organisation which today helps more than 12,000 children, youth and families in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Kosovo and Austria. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, CONCORDIA has also been active in providing aid to refugees.


  • Tyrolean Festival Erl
    The festival theatre in Erl, Austria © lolin-in

    Tyrolean Festival Erl was founded in 1997 and has been held in the illustrious Passion Play town of Erl in Austria every year since 1998. The festival has become a respected fixture in the cultural life of Tyrol and internationally, with STRABAG as a supporting partner since 2004. An attractive winter season programme was added to the summer programme more than a decade ago. In 2017, the festival was further expanded with the addition of the piano days and a Thanksgiving concert series. Together with the Summer and Winter Festivals, these have since formed the four festival seasons at Erl.

    Tyrolean Festival

  • Ensemble Porcia

    Ensemble Porcia is the most important cultural institution in the small town of Spittal an der Drau in Upper Carinthia. The theatre festival has been pleasing crowds for decades, attracting visitors from all over Austria as well as from the wider German-speaking world. Comedies from several European countries are chosen to show the diverse dimensions of human interaction and to emphasise the value of cultural diversity on our continent and the importance of artistic exchange in our society.

    Ensamble Porcia

  • STRABAG Kunstforum
    STRABAG Artlounge ©STRABAG

    In addition to economic and environmental responsibility, STRABAG also has a strong cultural and social commitment. Established more than three decades ago, the STRABAG Kunstforum has managed to build a bridge between business and art. Today the STRABAG Artcollection helps to inspire an engagement with art at the workplace at around 65 office locations throughout Europe.

    The temporary exhibitions at the STRABAG Artlounge in Vienna also offer artists a platform for presenting their work to an interested public. An annual prize to promote young artists has been awarded since 1994 in Austria and, as the STRABAG Artaward International, in selected other European countries since 2009.

    STRABAG Kunstforum

  • NEST - New Vienna State Opera
    New venue for young artists at the Vienna State Opera © Marko Kovic

    STRABAG is transforming the French Hall, a side wing of the Vienna Künstlerhaus, into a modern opera hall with up to 279 seats. The new recital and performance venue for the Vienna State Opera is dedicated to young audiences and up-and-coming artists. The initiative not only creates space for an adequate programme for young culture lovers, it also gives young performers an appropriate space in which to work. STRABAG SE and Haselsteiner Familien-Privatstiftung are project partners in this public-private partnership alongside the Vienna State Opera, the Künstlerhaus and the Republic of Austria, represented by the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.


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