Strategic approach

We operate across Europe as well as on other continents and offer services along the entire construction value chain. The consequences from our business activities, therefore, are many.
And it is our intention to assume responsibility for these impacts. A systematic approach makes it easier for us to deal with these many diverse demands. We have therefore defined six strategic fields which represent our full understanding of entrepreneurial responsibility:
Seizing opportunities and recognising risks at an early stage
Safe and stable working environment and diversity in our teams
Long-term social and cultural commitment
Transparent management and monitoring processes
Doing business in compliance with applicable laws and setting ethical standards
Save resources and use energy efficiently
For each strategic field, we took a variety of factors into consideration to define core themes that we consider decisive for our competitiveness and for our future. In 2020, working together with the most important internal and external stakeholders, we then determined the most material issues with regard to our organisation’s economic, environmental and social impact. These issues can be found in the following subchapters.

We implement our strategy in numerous projects and initiatives. The table of defined targets provides an overview of the strategically important issues as well as the corresponding key figures and targets that we can use to assess the effectiveness of these measures and recognise potential for improvement.

Sustainability Progress

This strategic approach forms an orderly framework for our reporting. The Consolidated Non-Financial Report 2022 – together with the corresponding online information – was prepared in accordance with the updated sustainability reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and audited by the financial auditor under a voluntary limited assurance audit regime.

Published on website: 27.07.2015 – Last Update: 06.08.2024 11:40:05