There can also be no guarantee that the information contained within “Investor Relations” is complete, correct and up-to-date. All data, including the stock market price, is merely provided to give the user a general overview of the company in this area. In particular, the information provided does not represent a recommendation or an invitation to buy, sell or otherwise trade in securities of the various companies within the group. The aforementioned disclaimer does not cover liability for loss or damages caused by death, bodily injury or health problems arising from negligence on our part or through the deliberate or negligent breach of duty by one of our legal representatives or agents.
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Corporate Communications
Internet/New Media
Donau-City-Str. 9
1220 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 22422-0
Company headquarters: Austria, 9500 Villach, Triglavstraße 9
Company register: FN 88983 h, Regional Court of Klagenfurt
UID-No.: ATU 37301503
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